Federal Court OKs Christian Prayers at County Board Meetings
http://abcnews.go.com ${date}
A divided federal appeals court says county commissioners in North Carolina can open their meetings with Christian prayers
Appeals Court Upholds Constitutionality of Christian Prayers Led by N.C. County Board
http://blogs.wsj.com ${date}
A federal appeals court upheld the constitutionality of Christian prayers delivered by county commissioners in North Carolina.
Court Rules Prayer Can Continue At NC County Meetings
http://dailycaller.com ${date}
'The Founders never imagined that prayer at the beginning of legislative sessions would be questioned under the First Amendment'
In Texas School District, Teachers Joined Students for See You at the Pole Prayer Event
http://www.patheos.com ${date}
... court precedence make very clear, school officials cannot join students in the event, just as football coaches can’t join their teams in prayer. ...
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