The "Our Father" is the oldest of Christian prayers. Also known as "The Lord’s Prayer," it was taught by Jesus/Yeshua the Christ to his disciples when one of them asked “Lord, teach us to pray.”
People of all Christian faiths have memorized it and recite it daily. It is one of the most commonly prayed prayers by Christians.
It’s important for Christians to remember that prayer is about a relationship where they humbly communicate, worship and seek the will of God the Father and His Son.
Christians should learn to put The Alnighty God’s interest first when they pray.
Faith in our Lord Jesus/Yeshua Ha’Mashiach is the prime condition that one must meet when soliciting through prayer help from God the Father who answers Christians when they pray. This Faith is the key to drawing on God's Power and favor to move on your behalf. Weak faith will result in weak, feeble praying misdirected prayer. Vigilant faith in our Lord and Savior, the Son of God Almighty creates vigilant praying and moves the heart of God the Father.
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