Maranatha the Lord is Come – Immanuel Prayer Wheel – Blessings
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Prayer Events

    Christians around the world plan to gather in Jerusalem next year at Pentecost to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a new generation.


    Meaningful Prayer Events Grow Prayer in the Church

    A church or only community of believers that offers prayer events for its congregation will benefit from the growth of its members, not just numerically, but spiritually as well.

    Many church leaders would like to provide prayer opportunities for their congregation on a regular basis, but are challenged when it comes to deciding on meaningful activities beyond a traditional prayer meeting.

    One good thing to do is to focus on creating events that cater to the demographic of its members.

    Prayer events offered for kids, adults, men and women will encourage the members to remain active in their church, as well as help spread the word of their faith within the local community.

    It’s also crucial to focus on growing prayer in the church, which can be achieved effectively by scheduling at least a monthly, meaningful prayer event throughout the entire year.

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