Join With Others in Praying for Your Country and other Countries of Your Choice. Make your prayer contribution(s) by filling in your prayer and self information in the form below. All submission of prayers for countries will be considered for inclusion in a new eBook, planned to be entitled "Prayers for the Peoples of the Earth"
The Word of God - The Holy Bible - tells us to give honor to whom it is due.
Rom 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
Honor will be given to those that show Special Achievements in a few areas but of course we can only measure the visible Our Father Which is in Heaven and His Blessed only begotten Son can see the hearts and will measure out the True Rewards when we see Him (The LORD our God is one LORD - Deuteronomy 6:4) face to face.
Recognition Achievement Awards In Honor of Special Achievements of those that Contribute Prayers and Gather and Spread the word to Others too Pray will Go To:
Largest Group Prayer Warrior(s)
Most Facebook Likes Prayer Warrior(s)
Most Prayers Contributed Warrior(s)
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